Heaven Session #6 - Relationships in Heaven
Most people think about Heaven at least some time in their life. We might wonder what our relationships will be like, whether we will see and recognize each other when we get there, or we contemplate whether we will remember what happened to us during our lives on earth.
Missionary Amy Carmichael wrote in answer to these questions… “Shall we know one another in Heaven? Shall we love and remember? I do not think anyone need wonder about this or doubt for a single moment. We are never told we shall, because, I expect, it was not necessary to say anything about this which our own hearts tell us. We do not need words. For if we think for a minute, we know. Would you be yourself if you did not love and remember? We are told that we shall be like our Lord Jesus. Surely this does not mean in holiness only, but in everything; and does not he know and love and remember? He would not be himself if he did not, and we should not be ourselves if we did not.” (video segment is 10 minutes)
Individual video session includes Session Outlines / Sermon Starters.