Acts Session #1 - Brilliant Beginnings
Watch Now Video from the Acts Bible Study on the early days of the Christian church. Experience the extraordinary unity, growth and expansion, as the Spirit-filled believers boldly proclaimed the message of salvation to Jerusalem. (video segment is 12 minutes)
This video session covers Acts 1-5.
Acts Resources
Ephesians Session #1 - An Almighty God, a Glorious Church
After greeting the church at Ephesus, Paul gives praise to God as he reveals to his readers God’s eternal purpose and plan for every believer. (video segment is 11 minutes)
This video session covers Ephesians 1:1-23.
Ephesians Resources
FOTS Session #1 - God’s Purpose for You
From the first page of the Bible we discover that God creates a world that is not stagnant but full of life. It is by his design and for his purposes that humanity was created and given everything needed to grow into people of God. (video segment is 14 minutes)
Fruit of the Spirit Resources
John Session #1 - The Prologue of John
The gospel of John begins with a narrative explanation of the nature and person of Christ and the meaning of faith in him. John’s driving purpose in writing this gospel is to establish Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah. (video segment is 11 minutes)
This video session covers John 1: 1-18
John Resources
Heaven Session #1 - What We Know About Heaven
Many people don’t look forward to Heaven because it is a realm that we lack the ability to see or easily understand. We are naturally hesitant or even fearful in uncertain situations. This session will give us perspective on what Heaven is like and dispel the misconception shared by many people that Heaven is where all people go when they die. (video segment is 13 minutes)
Heaven Resources
James Session #1 - Brilliant Beginnings
James is possibly the oldest of the New Testament writings, dating around AD 45–50. It is sometimes referred to as the “Proverbs” of the New Testament because of its direct and strong exhortations to wise living. With emphasis on how our actions demonstrate our faith in Christ, James provides the believer with practical guidance on how to live a life pleasing to God. (video segment is 12 minutes)
James Resources
Parables Session #1 - The Prodigal Son
Jesus associated with sinners because he wanted to bring the lost—people considered beyond hope—the gospel of God’s kingdom. He sets forth the gospel of grace, encouraging everyone to repent and return to him. (video segment is 13 minutes)
This video session covers Luke 15:11–32
Parables Resources
Paul Session #1 - Saul the Persecutor Turned Apostle
Transformation rarely comes easily, especially to passionate, stubborn people like young Saul. Stephen, a disciple of Jesus, was claiming that the system of rituals and sacrifices that God ordained through the Law of Moses had come to an end with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Jewish leaders considered Stephen’s message blasphemy, so they stoned him. Saul heartily agreed with them. But change was coming. (video segment is 15 minutes)
Paul Resources
Praying Session #1 - The Priority of Prayer: Staying Connected 24/7
Jesus made prayer the highest priority in his life. Many times in the Bible we see Jesus setting aside time to be alone with God despite a hectic schedule. We will discuss how Jesus handled his busyness, what kinds of things he prayed about, and why. (video segment is 7 minutes)
Praying Resources
Psalms Session #1 - Psalms of Praise
Praise is genuine expression of celebration for who God is and what he does. It’s how we communicate our joy and gratitude to God for his goodness, faithfulness, and righteousness. Psalms of praise, or hymns, celebrate God through words of adoration. Most, if not all, of the Psalms were originally written as lyrics set to music. Many praise Psalms even mention singing and the playing of instruments such as the harp and trumpet. In this session we’ll look closely at two praise Psalms to see what elements they contain and how they can train us to praise God more deeply. (video segment is 14 minutes)
Psalms Resources
Promises of God Session #1 - The Promise Initiated
To complete his perfect creation, God places Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to live in a harmonious relationship with one another and with him. When Adam and Eve rebel against God, his perfect justice demands that he punish them for their sin. Yet in the midst of judgment, God promises that one day he will crush the power of Satan and restore the relationship. (video segment is 14 minutes)
Promises Resources
Ruth Session #1 - Context and Storyline
Naomi, her husband, and her sons were Israelites. They were supposed to be committed to the Lord, Israel’s God. They lived in Bethlehem in the land the Lord promised to their ancestors. The Lord’s law urged them to trust him in hard times and forbade Israelites to marry women from pagan Moab (Deut. 23:3). But this was the period of the Judges, when “Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit” (Judges 21:25). Famine struck the Promised Land, and Naomi’s family moved to Moab. This decision had consequences not only for them, but for all Israel. (video segment is 11 minutes)
Ruth Resources
Revelation Session #1 - Setting: Audience and the Revealer
In Revelation, Babylon the prostitute represents the evil world system. But God’s people are called to live in preparation for the New Jerusalem rather than to be molded by the immorality and rebellion of the evil world system. (video segment is 9 minutes)
This video session covers Revelation 17 and 18
Revelation Resources
Romans Session #1 - An Introduction to Romans
Central to the development of a first-century theology and ethic, Paul's letter to the church in Rome is considered by many to be his greatest theological work and the greatest of all the epistles. It is loved for its wonderful exposition of Christian doctrines as well as its practical exhortations to Christian life. (video segment is 14 minutes)
Romans Resources
Sermon on the Mount Session #1 - People Who Change the World
Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount by describing the attitudes and actions of kingdom-minded citizens. Then Jesus reminds his followers that they must be present in the world like salt and light, transforming others with the presence of God living in and through them.
(video segment is 14 minutes)
Sermon on the Mount Resources