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6 Tips for Keeping New Small Groups Healthy

6 Tips for Keeping New Small Groups Healthy

Every church or small group faces challenges when starting or sustaining a small group ministry. Here are some tips from Brett Eastman, founder of LifeTogether and Small Group Champion at Saddleback Church.

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Connecting Your Group with Honesty

Connecting Your Group with Honesty

As a leader, you want to generate an atmosphere of honesty and trust and starting new groups where people may not know each other very well can be challenging. The best thing you can do to encourage honesty in your group is to be honest yourself. Here are some tips from Brett Eastman and on Connecting Your Group with Honesty.

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Bad Days Are Sometimes the Best Days (and nine other lessons learned from my small group)

Bad Days Are Sometimes the Best Days (and nine other lessons learned from my small group)

Building a strong and dynamic small group is the hope of every small group leader. It is easy to get discouraged or question if God is really working in the group. Some meetings will seem great and you can see signs of bonding and genuine growth. Other meetings may seem ho-hum on the surface or feel challenged. In this article by Brett Eastman, Founder of Lifetogether, he explains how sometimes the bad days are actually the best days. Here are ten lessons he learned from his small group.

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20 Tips for Successful Small Group Leadership

20 Tips for Successful Small Group Leadership

Every Christian is called to be a leader.

Some are more gifted at leadership than others, for sure, but we worship a God who calls every one of us to influence the people around us—to lead them to a fuller understanding of who God is, of what He’s done for us, and how He wants us to live our lives.

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Making Your Group Real Friends

Making Your Group Real Friends

Small groups flourish when people are not just attendees but become friends. More Small Group Leader tips from Lifetogether and Check out these tips to grow your small group and help you CONNECT with the people in your group and to help them connect with one another.

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